Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An Introduction to My Life as A Student Athlete

Some of my friends can count the number of times on their hands that they have had more than an hour of homework and studying, while I can count the number of times on my hand I have only had an hour of homework or studying. Homework isn’t the problem, because I could do it if that were the only thing I had to do. The problem is that I am also a student athlete, a swimmer to be exact. I have practice six days a week for at least two and a half hours a day. This isn’t including the time it takes for me to go to the Bell Center, go to the trainer, get dressed after practice, or go to meets. All in all, I would say I spend a good three and a half to four hours a day on swimming. I’m not trying to complain, I love swimming, and I wouldn’t swim if I knew I couldn’t do it and school. It is just challenging to find enough time to do what I love and to do homework and study. I know I will learn more about time management than many students will learn in their whole time at Trinity. I also know that I will have to sacrifice things such as sleep and other extracurricular activities in order to swim and get good grades. This semester is going to be a challenge, but it is a challenge I am willing and able to face.
Today was too bad in terms of homework. I have only had to read and do some other work. I’m trying to get ahead though in anticipation for the long absence I will have because of conference. I am going to miss a total of four days of class because of it. I haven’t told my professors yet because I know they might forget, but I think I am going to email the ones that don’t have anything major due on those days, and go to office hours for my professors that have something major, such as exams and papers, due on those days. Practice so far hasn’t really interfered this semester in my homework and studying, but I am starting to get worried about the next couple of weeks and how they will play out. I really don’t want to have to start staying up late but if that is what I am going to have to do, then so be it. I will just have to wait and see.

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