Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Swimming: Officially Done!

I have finally caught up with swimming homework, and now I am officially done with swimming for the year. It is a relief but I am rushing Alpha Kappa Psi, which I feel takes up more time than swimming ever did. Now that I am done with swimming though, I can see how useful it was in time managing. Knowing that I had to go to swim practice made me do my homework before I had to go to practice because I knew that I would be tired afterward and not have the energy to do it all. Swimming also made me work out, which helps immensely in causing a distraction from your work. It also releases endorphins, which make you happy. Now, I don’t have to go work out so I do not nearly as much as I did during swimming. This is hard but nice because I do not have to spend a lot of time away from my schoolwork, but I also do not get that same benefit as I did when I was working out. The school year is getting close to being done; we only have about a month and a half left, which is scary because I have so much to do in that little amount of time. I know I will get it all done though!

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

After Conference

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Last week could have counted as the worst week I have had in terms of how stressful it was. Catching up with homework was the hardest. I missed Tuesday through Friday of class two weeks ago in order to go to the SCAC Swimming and Diving Championships in Louisville, Kentucky and I really missed a lot. I had a test, a take home assignment, a paper, and all of the normal homework that I normally have. Combined, I would say it was the busiest week of school so far for me but the week before we left could have been ranked as the busiest week as well. That wasn’t the only part though. I was also rushing the business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, and I had to do all my interviews (around 30!) last week. My schedule went like this; wake up, prepare for interviews, run to class, do interviews, re-do my resume and cover letter when I finished interviewing (normally it was around 10:00 PM), then begin homework, and finally go to bed at around 2:00 AM or 3:00 AM. Finally though, I am all caught up and finished with rushing Alpha Kappa Psi so hopefully from now on, it will be easier to keep up.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Worst Week Ever

This week has been the worst week of schoolwork yet. On top of the mountain of work I have had to do for class this week, I have had to do a lot of the assignments for the class I am missing next week. Next week, I leave Tuesday morning and don’t get back until Sunday night. The reason for my absence is swimming, the conference meet to be exact. This is the biggest meet of the year and I can’t wait until it comes. It is getting a little tough to get excited when I have so much work to think about doing. So far, I have managed my time well and done my work and gotten to bed at a decent hour, but on Wednesday and Thursday, my professors loaded me down with work for the weekend. Plus I have to turn in my application for the business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, by tonight. I am planning on doing homework Friday, all day Saturday, and then all day Sunday when I am not at swim practice. Right now is the hardest time I have had time managing and swimming at Trinity. I have to think to myself that I am almost done with swimming and after I am done, I will have more free time to do my homework.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just Keep Swimming 'Cause You're Almost There

The usual state of my desk on any given weeknight from homework.